4 Differences Between CBT and DBT and How to Tell Which is Right for You

August 27, 2017

Psychotherapy is one of the best treatment methods available for a number of mental illnesses. One of the most common types of therapy is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Also called talk therapy, CBT focuses on talking about your problems to help you frame your thoughts differently. If you feel like negative thoughts are always in…


Using CBT Skills to Handle Criticism

June 15, 2016
handling criticism

Criticism can trigger psychiatric symptoms for some individuals who interpret feedback in unhealthy ways.  How we handle criticism may affect our relationships with others, our self-esteem, and our opportunities for personal growth. At Skyland Trail, we help clients discover a new perspective and develop new skills to respond to criticism with a more healthy, productive…


4 CBT Skills for Managing Anxiety

November 24, 2015
controlled breathing for anxiety

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very effective in reducing anxiety to a manageable level. Check out these tips. 1. Evaluate Distorted Thinking Our thinking influences our anxiety more than we realize. When experiencing anxiety, look for these skewed thinking patterns:  seeing situations in all or nothing terms (dichotomous thinking), only viewing what could potentially…