Patrick and Tracey
Until She Was Ready
Over six years, our daughter Amanda received treatment at numerous programs as a result of mental health issues including six suicide attempts. We approached each new therapist or treatment with hope that it would help her heal. Each time, we were disappointed.
Finally our daughter told us about Skyland Trail, which she said was her last hope. We were afraid to tell her our doubts that this program would succeed where countless others had failed, or that we would struggle to afford Skyland Trail, even with our insurance coverage.

Financial aid helped our daughter stay in treatment until she was ready for her new life and all that we know she will achieve in her future.
Our research assuaged our doubts about Skyland Trail’s effectiveness. In October 2017, our daughter began residential treatment. Within two weeks, she and her amazing psychiatrist and treatment team began to report improvements in her condition. Just when Amanda started to get better, our insurance company stopped covering her treatment.
Though we doubted our eligibility, the financial aid team at Skyland Trail encouraged us to apply and helped us through the process. We were thrilled the day we were approved.
About a month into her treatment, our daughter called us and proclaimed, “I don’t have depression anymore”—the first time in five years she could say that! Today, she is the bright, self-confident young woman we knew her to be. She still struggles occasionally, but now she instinctively uses the tools and skills she acquired at Skyland Trail when she starts to feel symptoms coming on. Our daughter completed a year of college and recently began her second year. She joined a sorority and has developed strong friendships. She is even making career plans and talking of going to law school.
“Skyland Trail changed my life and turned me into the person I always dreamed of being,” says Amanda. “Skyland gave me the strength and the skills to be my best self, my life has completely turned around. I am so thankful for the opportunity I was given by Skyland’s generous donors. I couldn’t have done it without them.”
Skyland’s financial aid program made all this possible. Financial aid helped our daughter stay in treatment until she was ready for her new life and all that we know she will achieve in her future.