
A New Approach to Relationships and Life

When Andrea came to Skyland Trail, she was in a deep depression; she was hopeless.

“After several hospitalizations, Skyland Trail was my last hope,” says Andrea. “If I was going to survive, this was going to be the place that did it, because I felt like I had done everything else.”

After three weeks at Skyland Trail, Andrea’s insurance carrier denied coverage for further treatment.

“I remember being scared to death that my chance was gone, that I was not going to be able to get any better. I remember thinking ‘How fast can I learn these skills? How can I make it work if I can’t stay? How am I going to live?”

Understanding the importance of completing the program, Andrea’s parents committed to pay for several more weeks of treatment, until Andrea and her treatment team determined she was ready. A financial aid scholarship, made possible by charitable gifts, helped Andrea and her family afford the additional expense.

“Knowing I could take my time and get better was a huge relief. Before that I was rushing everything. A peer in my therapy group told me that I was trying to apply skills to things that were too big too soon, and encouraged me to first approach the little everyday things and then advance to the bigger issues. That really stuck with me. I was very dedicated to my treatment, and eventually I could see myself getting stronger.”

Today, Andrea is employed at a hospital, working with patients to schedule surgeries. And she’s taken a new approach to relationships with her family and friends.

“I enjoy my job very much, and like that I get to help people. I’ve even received a promotion. And with my family, now I am able to get my point across without being overly emotional. I think they can see a difference now too. And that’s rewarding.”

While she still has good days and bad days, Andrea has hope.

“I’m not stuck in the hopelessness of all the bad things that can happen. I now am able to recognize the positive aspects of what can come in life. Skyland Trail taught me that.”