We are all capable of much more than we know
Hey y’all, I’m Bailey! My time at Skyland Trail helped me take some big steps forward toward managing my depression and getting back into my life. Since Skyland, I completed my bachelor’s degree and went on to get my Master’s in Counseling so that I could walk through life with people the way that everyone at Skyland did for me.
To get me through my struggle days, because of course they still happen sometimes, I have recently taken up running. I was never an athletic person, so when my therapist suggested I “do something hard on purpose,” running was the absolute hardest thing I could think of!
This selfie photo is a very proud me with my medal after finishing my first 5K race in March 2020. I am a “slow and steady” kind of runner, but when I make myself go for a run when I’m having an off day I always feel better than I did, even if just a little.
We are all capable of much more than we know; I hope you all will go do something hard on purpose and discover new ways to silence those voices that tell you that you can’t.

This client testimonial was submitted through our Alumni Selfie Story program, where we alumni share their personal experience with others, give updates on their recovery, or give a shout-out to someone that’s helped them in their recovery.