If I Could Just Snap Out of It, Don’t You Think I Would?
Cathy Goldstein Mullin
If I Could Just Snap Out of It, Don't You Think I Would? is a nine-month plan for smashing your depression. With a daily calendar as its centerpiece, therapist Cathy Mullin leads you through lifestyle and thought-changing exercises that will allow you to toss your depression into the dust of yesterday. She demonstrates how easy it is to become trapped in the awful things you have learned to say to yourself, and she teaches you how to talk back to your thoughts. You learn to throw out self-defeating behaviors that keep you stuck in your depression, and grab hold of new ones that send you chasing new-found passions. You put into words what it is that you truly want from life and realize that little is impossible. Finally, you set about the business of making for yourself the life you've always wanted to live. Cathy Goldstein Mullin is a therapist on the North Shore of Boston. She has a private practice where she sees children, adolescents, and adults, many of whom struggle with depression. She is also a staff therapist at a large teaching hospital. For the last several years, she has led workshops and given talks on her areas of expertise. If I Could Just Snap Out of It, Don't You Think I Would? A Nine-Month Plan for Smashing Your Depression is her first book. She is presently at work on another book, tentatively titled The Wicked Sisters Who Live in the Pit: Taming the Beasts of Your Anxiety. In 2009 she launched a website offering information and treatment for anxiety and depressive disorders.