respectful treatment for LGBTQ adults and teens

Several aspects of our psychiatric treatment program make Skyland Trail an effective and welcoming environment for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning) adults and teens – including cisgender, transgender, agender, genderqueer, and gender questioning individuals – who are experiencing mental illness.

Treatment Philosophy

We encourage our patients to define their own values and establish their own goals. Our clinical team then helps each patient identify the best strategies for living a life true to their values, staying healthy, and achieving identified goals. Those strategies include an individualized mix of medications, stress management, skills building, nutrition and healthy living education, cognitive training, and social skills development.

Some patients are comfortable with their gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation. That’s just part of who you are, and it’s not an issue. In that case, we’re here to help you address the psychiatric symptoms and challenges that are causing you pain or disability, including anxietydepression, suicidal thoughts, impulsivity, or self-harming behaviors while reaffirming your self identity.

Other patients may still be exploring their identity and how they express themselves in terms of gender or sexual orientation. They may be experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health symptoms as a result of that exploration, either from an internal conflict or from stress imposed by their environment – for example from their relationships or from barriers preventing them from participating fully in their community.

We support these patients as they explore these questions. We help them build skills to manage stress and conflict as well as the resilience needed to live the life they choose.

Education and Training for Clinical Professionals

As we identify needs in our client population, we work to find the best evidence-based strategies to address those needs. Our clinical team has received training on supporting LGBTQ individuals and meeting therapeutic needs that may be unique. For example, we are comfortable and have experience managing medications and conducting psychotherapy with adults who are also taking hormone therapy. Our adult weekly schedules includes a peer support group specifically for LGBTQ clients.

Welcoming Campuses

We’ve also taken steps to make our facilities more welcoming. All buildings offer all-gender, inclusive restrooms. Our adult and adolescent residential facilities offer private client bedrooms with private bathrooms. And our residential programs do not separate clients by gender.

Family Therapy

Family therapy can be helpful for all our patients, and may include therapy with biological family members or chosen family members. While in treatment, our patients work hard to change their unhealthy thought and behavior patterns and adopt new perspectives and skills. If they return home to an environment that continues to reinforce the old unhealthy patterns, clients face a greater challenge in sustaining their recovery. Family therapy can help change the family dynamic and improve communication so that families can better support one another and prevent conflict and relapse.

Focus on Humanitarianism

For someone dealing with a mental illness, it can be difficult to shift your focus outside of yourself to instead focus on what you can do to help others or how you can contribute to your community. We emphasize the importance of showing kindness and practicing empathy. This creates a welcoming community of peers for all of our clients; they are met with empathy and acceptance. Our focus on humanitarianism also is therapeutic. By practicing empathy and engaging in purposeful activities, our patients help redefine their place in their world and discover the value they add to their communities.

"It wasn’t until I went to Skyland Trail that, for the first time in 33 years, someone asked me what I wanted and included me in my treatment plan. My treatment team challenged me on my thinking about mental illness and my coping mechanisms that I used to subdue my pain...For the first time in many years of pain, I wasn’t suffering in silence. And that’s when I started to get better."

We Meet Clients Where They Are

Bottom line, we meet clients where they are. We offer expert psychiatric care and a holistic path to wellness. Each week, patients participate in a structured schedule of evidence-based therapeutic groups matched to your diagnosis and symptoms, as well as groups focused on creative expression, healthy living, social skills, and community engagement.

No matter where you view yourself on a spectrum of gender or sexual orientation, if you are struggling with mental illness, we will help you grow, recover, and live a life worth living.



While we affirm the identity of our adolescent patients by using clients' preferred (i.e. correct) names and pronouns, due to Georgia state law, we are unable to prescribe or administer hormone therapies for clients under the age of 18 unless initiated prior to July 1, 2023. Our adolescent residential hall offers private patient rooms with private bathrooms and is not separated by gender. All our facilities include all gender restrooms.