Our Programs

Mental Health Programs and Levels of Care

We offer programs and services for clients at different stages of recovery. Clients are able to admit to the program that best meets their current psychiatric needs and then step down to less intensive programs as their symptoms and skills improve.

Residential psychiatric treatment is our most intensive level of care. Day treatment, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs gradually provide less intensive staff support and require clients to use skills more independently.

Adult Programs
Adolescent Programs

Residential Treatment

Residential Treatment

Most clients admit to our most intensive level of care. Located in Atlanta, our residential campuses are unlocked, voluntary facilities. Clients receive 24/7 staff support and private client rooms with private bathrooms.

young man sitting on bed in bedroom putting on shoes

Clients who admit to residential treatment typically participate in the residential level of care for 4 to 8 weeks before stepping down to the day treatment program program.


Day Treatment (PHP)

Day Treatment

Day treatment, sometimes called Partial Hospitalization or PHP, is offered as a step-down from residential treatment. Some clients may admit directly to day treatment if clinically appropriate.

Clients live at home and come to our adult campus Monday through Friday for therapeutic activities 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Transitional housing is available to eligible clients stepping down from residential treatment.

mental health counseling session with four people

Clients typically participate in the day treatment program for about 4 to 6 weeks and then step down to the intensive outpatient program (IOP).


Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is the next step after clients make progress in day treatment. Clients may not admit directly to IOP.

IOP offers a slightly shorter day, five or three days a week, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Transitional Housing with Independence Coaching may be available to eligible IOP clients.

three adults in classroom for psychoeducation group as part of mental health intensive outpatient program

Clients typically complete another 3 to 6 weeks in IOP before graduating.


Transitional Housing

Transitional Housing Program

Skyland Trail offers transitional housing apartments on the Skyland Trail North Transitional Living campus where clients live on their own with moderate support from our staff.  Transitional clients have a private bedroom, and share a bathroom and living area with another client.

common room of north transitional living campus

Eligible clients may live in transitional housing while in the day treatment or intensive outpatient programs and for up to one year after they graduate from Skyland Trail intensive programs with clinical approval.


Outpatient Programs

Outpatient Programs

A variety of outpatient programs provide support after graduating, including vocational services, a social club, and an alumni program.

five adults, men and women, standing and smiling to represent the Skyland Trail alumni program