How to Admit or Refer to Skyland Trail

Skyland Trail accepts referrals from professional and non-professional sources to our psychiatric residential treatment and day treatment programs. While professionals are an important referral source, we welcome family and self-referrals as well.

Admissions Process Step-by-Step

The admissions process for adult residential treatment, adult day treatment, adolescent residential treatment, and adolescent day treatment typically involve the following steps.


Informational Call

Call us to discuss your needs and our program.

Our foremost goal is to ensure that Skyland Trail is a good fit and that we offer the level of care you need. Potential clients need to demonstrate that they will be actively engaged in their recovery process. Treatment is successful only when clients commit to making positive changes in their lives by taking prescribed medication (adult clients), participating in individual and group therapy, and practicing new skills and behaviors.


Financial Estimate

Verification of Benefits & Estimate

If, after an initial conversation with our admissions team, you decide you would like to learn more about potential admission to Skyland Trail, we will provide verification of insurance benefits and an estimate of treatment costs. A number of private insurance companies cover Skyland Trail services; however, as with other health treatment, insurance does not typically cover the entire cost of the program or the recommended length of stay for a full recovery. Because every client and situation is unique, Skyland Trail provides up-front financial counseling for clients who move forward with the admissions process. A financial counselor will contact you to schedule a conversation.


Admissions Assessment

Assessment Interview

The next step in the admissions process is for the applicant to have an assessment interview on our campus or over the phone with one of our admissions counselors. The interview lasts approximately 1–2 hours and is typically one-on-one with the potential client. For adolescent clients, we conduct an additional 30-minute interview with the potential client's parents or guardians. We will ask questions about the applicant's physical and mental health history, current symptoms, use of alcohol or drugs, previous treatment outcomes, etc. Following the assessment interview, our treatment team determines whether the applicant is appropriate for treatment and recommends an initial level of care.

Adolescent immunizations: To protect the health of our clients and staff, all adolescents must provide a current record of immunizations prior to admission. The record should show dates for all vaccines on the CDC's Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger and be signed by a licensed physician or public health official.


Covid & Flu Test

Onsite Test

On the day of admission, our nursing team will administer a single nasal swab test for covid and seasonal flu. If the test is positive for covid or seasonal flu, the client will be required to return home. They must receive medical clearance to reschedule the admission appointment.


Welcome to Treatment

Admission & First Day

If the outcome of the covid and flu test on the day of admission is negative, clients may proceed with the admission appointment and then begin attending treatment activities.